Alex Bollen
Motherdom: Breaking Free of Bad Science and Good Mother Myths
Motherdom by Alex Bollen:
In Motherdom, Alex Bollen takes on the harmful and pervasive "Good Mother" myths that fuel guilt, anxiety, and shame among mothers. When Bollen became a mother herself, she found that the overwhelming pressure to conform to society's ideals of motherhood only made her feel inadequate. As a seasoned researcher, she delved into the studies behind these myths—only to discover that much of the so-called "evidence" was distorted or misrepresented in the media. These myths, rooted in faulty science, serve to blame and shame mothers for every societal problem, no matter what choices they make.
With sharp insight and thorough research, Bollen exposes how bad science has been used to create unrealistic standards for mothers. Whether it's the "natural" vs. "medical" debates around childbirth, the judgment of breastfeeding versus formula feeding, or the damaging claims about brain development and attachment theories, Motherdom reveals how no choice is ever enough to satisfy the expectations placed on mothers.
Arguing that it's time for a change, Bollen proposes a new vision of motherhood—Motherdom—that embraces the diverse ways people parent and shifts the focus from criticism to the relationships and resources children need to thrive. It's time to replace the Good Mother myths with a more realistic, compassionate approach to parenting.